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Planning and Zoning

The Town of Lake Placid Planning Department is responsible for promoting the general health, safety, and welfare of the public, through the development and implementation of land use policies and zoning regulations.  These regulations and policies ensure that development occurs in compatible areas with the appropriate infrastructure.


Staff issues zoning approval through permitting, and orchestrates commercial site plan review and the subdivision processes. Additionally, the Planning Department is responsible for providing input to the Local Planning Agency, the Board of Adjustments, and the Town Council for rezoning, Comprehensive Plan amendments, special exceptions and variances.


Office Located at The Lake Placid Government Center, 1069 US Highway 27 N, Lake Placid Florida 33852

Due to limited staffing, in-person appointments are available by appointment-only. Please contact the Town Planner for scheduling.

Town Planner, Dana Riddell, 



The Town of Lake Placid Comprehensive Plan

Town Code

Town of Lake Placid Informational Links

The Town has adopted Highlands County's Commercial Review Process pursuant to the 2006 Bullard Ordinance.  Please substitute Town where it says County for information applicable to the Commercial Site Plan review process.  Highlands County Code of Ordinances

The Region's Long Range Transportation Plan

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