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Community Redevelopment Agency



The mission of the Town of Lake Placid Community Redevelopment Agency is to eliminate and

prevent conditions of slum and blight by funding eligible infrastructure projects such as new

sidewalks and sidewalk improvements; roadwork including repaving and new roads; traffic

calming; storm-water improvements; street lighting and other street improvements; water and

wastewater collection and treatment system improvements, and other CRA identified

infrastructure. Projects consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the Plan are determined to

be eligible projects that are listed as short-term and long-term projects in this Plan. An

Amendment to the list of eligible projects requires a super majority vote of the CRA Board (CRA

Board members are members of the Town Council).


The Community Redevelopment Agency is responsible for managing programs and activities within a Community Redevelopment District. The agency is overseen by a board of five to seven members appointed by the local government (city or county).


The Town of Lake Placid CRA board is composed of the Elected Town Council Members.


The Community Redevelopment Agency is in charge of creating and executing the Community Redevelopment Plan, which focuses on addressing the specific needs of the Community Redevelopment District. This plan outlines the overall goals for the area's redevelopment and identifies the various programs and projects that will be implemented to achieve those goals.


For questions concerning the CRA District, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Town Clerk,

Eva Cooper-Hapeman.

Phone: 863-699-3747





LP CRA Annual Report & Annual Audit

LP CRA Meeting Notices

Ariel Boundary Map of Community Redevelopment Area
Parcel Boundary Map of the Community Redevelopment area
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