Permitting Procedures
To build a new structure or driveway in the Town of Lake Placid, you need to follow a specific permitting process with the town's staff and the Highlands County Building Department. First, get zoning and/or engineering approval from the town's staff. Once approved, take your permit application to the Highlands County Building Department for final permit issuance. Building inspectors will review your plans to ensure compliance with all building codes and regulations. Keep open communication with town staff and building inspectors throughout the process.
The Lake Placid Government Center Highlands County Government
Annex Building
1069 US Highway 27 N 501 S. Commerce Ave
Lake Placid, Florida 33852 Sebring, Florida, 33870
Phone: (863) 699-3747 Phone: (863) 402-6643
Contact Information
Permit applications e-mailed to townplanner@mylakeplacid.org
The Town Planner will respond within 24 hours to let you know if there is a permit fee (driveway and sign permits always require a permit fee).
Upon approval, payments must be mailed-in or dropped off to:
Town Planner
Town of Lake Placid
1069 US 27 North
Lake Placid, Fl. 33852
Make checks payable to
Town of Lake Placid
Approval will not be issued
until payment is processed.
Drop off the permit application here: Town of Lake Placid
1069 US 27 North
Lake Placid, Fl. 33852
Please allow 24 hours for processing.
For immediate processing, please contact the Town Planner to schedule an appointment.
Payment for any approvals will be collected when the permit is approved and picked-up.
Mail permit application and payment here
Attention Town Planner
Town of Lake Placid
1069 US 27 North
Lake Placid, Fl. 33852
Make checks payable to
Town of Lake Placid
Contact the Town Planner to confirm fees before mailing.
You will be contacted within 24 hours of receipt of payment.